Monday 2 December 2013

Matching game 4

Match the alien to the description.

1. My alien has a rocket on its back to go to space. It has wobbly arms to stretch up on a tree. It has a moustache and likes to stroke it, then lasers come out. It has big legs and likes to kick people far away. It has sharp teeth and likes to bite people. It has three eyes and likes to wobble them. Its name is Explosion.
By Jackson

2. My alien has a blue tummy button and a red spikes like a dragon. She has blue and orange underpants. She wears red lipstick. Her name is twinkles.
By Keira

3. My alien is a square shape with blue and orange stripes. She has eight giraffe legs. She also has four yellow eyes and a curly pig’s tail. She has a mouth with six teeth and she has a red nose with two pimples. She has a bow. My alien likes playing with her curly pig’s tail. She spends hours and hours just to choose a bow for her hair. When she stands up she has to hold onto something or else she will fall over.

4. My alien has 29 eyes and a green body that has a yellow belly button. My alien has lipstick on her lips. She has 2 giragge legs and an elephant foot. She is a really, really, really bad liar. My alien is called Rebecca. She eats people and chocolate. She say “you are stupid’, if you go near her. She can do kung fu.

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